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Monday 1 August 2011


This is the collection of Shahnaz Hussain beauty tips. All these tips are safe and can be tried at home.

SHAHNAZ HUSSAIN tip 1: Home Hair Cleanser:
Take a handful each of dried reetha, amla and shikakai. Soak them in one litre water overnight.
Next day, simmer the herbs on a low fire till the water reduces by half.
Allow the mixture to cool and then strain it with a clean cloth. Use the liquid to wash hair. This quantity should be enough for four to five washes. Refrigerate it.
Make small quantities at a time.

SHAHNAZ HUSSAIN tip2: Pimples occur on the oily areas of the skin
Therefore, applying cold cream can lead to further pimples. Mix one part of pure glycerine with four parts of rosewater and keep it in the fridge. Apply it on the face after washing and before applying it, add a few drops of lemon juice to it. Once daily, apply curd mixed with a little turmeric on the entire face, and wash it off with plenty of water after 20 minutes. Apply sandalwood paste on the pimples.

SHAHNAZ HUSSAIN tip 3: Dandruff:
Twice a week, heat pure coconut oil and apply it on the scalp at night, using cotton wool. Leave it on overnight. Next morning, apply the juice of a lemon on the scalp and wash your hair after half an hour. Apply henna once a week.

SHAHNAZ HUSSAIN tip4: Lifeless Hair:
Once or twice a week, heat pure coconut oil and apply it on the scalp and hair. Then dip a towel in hot water, squeeze out the water and wrap the towel around your head like a turban. Keep it on for five minutes. Repeat the hot towel wrap three or four times. This helps the hair and the scalp absorb the oil better.
Use a mild herbal shampoo.
After each shampoo, apply a conditioner, massaging it lightly into the hair. Leave it on for two minutes before washing it off with water.
You can have henna treatment thrice a month, adding four teaspoons each of lemon juice and coffee, two raw eggs, two teaspoons of oil and enough curd to the henna powder.
It will make your hair look healthy and lustrous.

SHAHNAZ HUSSAIN tip5: Grey Hair:
Amla is said to check greying. Have the juice of one raw amla after adding it to a glass of water. Also try adding amla to the henna powder.
Henna turns white hair reddish brown. It will not colour dark hair.
Soak a handful of dry amla in about two cups of water overnight. Next morning, strain the water, but do not throw the water away. Grind the amla. To the henna powder, add the ground amla, four teaspoons each of lemon juice and coffee, two raw eggs and enough amla water, so that the henna can be mixed into a thick paste. Apply it on the hair, covering the entire head. Keep it on for two hours and wash it off with water. It will also add shine and substance to the hair. Ask your doctor to prescribe Vitamins B-Complex and C.

SHAHNAZ HUSSAIN tip 6:Oily Hair, Hair Loss:
Excessive oiliness of the scalp can lead to hair loss. Wash your hair daily, using very little shampoo � one teaspoon for long hair and half teaspoon for short hair. Dilute it with a little water and use it.
After washing, add the juice of a lemon to half a mug of water and use it as a last rinse.
Have henna treatment once a week.
Add four teaspoons each of lemon juice and coffee, two raw eggs and enough tea water to the henna powder and mix it into a thick paste. Apply it on the hair and wash it off after an hour. If you do not wish to use egg, add more tea water.
For tea water, boil used tealeaves in water. Cool and strain before using. Include fresh fruits, raw salads and sprouts in your daily diet. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water. Add the juice of a lemon to a glass of water and have it first thing in the morning.

SHAHNAZ HUSSAIN tip7: Dry, Lifeless Skin:
Use a facial scrub once a week.
For very dry skin, avoid soap and use a cleansing gel or cream.
For the body, use a mild, glycerine soap. Apply sesame seed (til) oil on the body before your bath.
Mix honey with egg yolk and a little milk and apply it daily on the face, washing it off with plain water after 20 minutes.
At night, apply a good nourishing cream and massage it on the face with a few drops of water. Wipe it off with moist cotton wool.
Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going out in the sun. Til oil actually has sunscreen properties, but it is better to use a sunscreen lotion for proper protection.
Aloe Vera is a powerful moisturiser and an anti-oxidant. It helps keep the skin soft and healthy. It is better to use moisturisers and creams containing aloe vera.

SHAHNAZ HUSSAIN tip 8:Double Chin: exercises:
� open your mouth as wide as you can. Hold this position for about 10 seconds, then relax your mouth, and repeat the exercise a few more times. For faster results, add resistance by placing a tennis ball underneath your chin, while testing your jaw span. Sleeping without a pillow is said to help. Also, you can massage the area daily with a cream. Start from the chin and go downwards using both hands, one hand following the other.

SHAHNAZ HUSSAIN tip 9: Oily T-Zone:
Either buy a facial scrub or mix rice powder with curd and use it as a scrub. You may add a little turmeric if you wish. Apply the scrub on the face, rubbing gently with small circular movements. Leave it on for five minutes and then wash it off. This will keep the pores free of clogged oil. Once daily, at any time, mix one teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon of lemon juice and egg white and apply it on the oily areas, washing it off after 20 minutes.

SHAHNAZ HUSSAIN tip 10: Glowing Skin:
After cleansing, wipe the face with rose water, using cotton wool and then pat it briskly. Use a face mask once or twice a week. You can make a mask at home with two teaspoons of choker, one teaspoon of oatmeal or ground almonds and one teaspoon each of curd, honey and egg white. Apply it on the face and wash it off after 20-30 minutes.

SHAHNAZ HUSSAIN tip 11 Thin Waist:
Join a gym or health club and lose weight under professional guidance. Or, practise yoga daily. You can also do the following exercises after seeking your doctor�s advice. First, lie on the floor on your back, feet together and arms at the sides. Lift your legs about six inches above the ground and hold this position for a count of ten. Then lower your legs to the floor. Repeat this exercise 3 to 4 times and increase gradually. Then, keep lying on the floor, the same way. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Raise your body to a half-sitting position, holding your arms stretched out before you. Lower your body to the floor and repeat 3 or 4 times. Take a look at your eating habits. Avoid eating desserts after meals and stick to fresh fruits. Take clear soups (without butter) and salads before the main dish. Avoid rich gravies. Cut down on your intake of cereals. For example, if you have been eating three chapatis, eat only two. Or, eat only one cup of cooked rice. Eat fresh fruits, salads, sprouts, curd and paneer made from skimmed milk and lightly cooked vegetables. If you feel like a snack, eat fruit, carrot or cucumber.

SHAHNAZ HUSSAIN tip for Combination Skin; Pimples:
In combination skins, usually the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) is oily, while the rest of the face is dry. Pimples on the forehead can occur due to oiliness of the skin. You should wash the face only twice a day with a medicated soap. After washing, wipe the oily areas with rose water mixed with an astringent lotion in equal quantities. Use this two or three times a day. Avoid applying besan or multani mitti as they can sometimes clog the pores and cause pimples, blackheads or whiteheads, especially in pimple-prone skin. Add a little turmeric to curd and apply daily on the face, washing it off well with water after 20 minutes. Add a few drops of rose water to sandalwood paste and apply on the forehead and areas with spots. Keep it on for at least one hour.

SHAHNAZ HUSSAIN tip for Dry Skin:
If you wish to use soap, you can try a mild glycerine soap and see if it suits your skin. You should keep your skin well moisturised during the day, or if you are going out in the sun, apply a sunscreen. At night, use a nourishing cream, massaging it on the skin for two to three minutes. Massage the forehead too, starting from the bridge of the nose and using both hands. Go upwards and then in an arc on either side, go towards the temples. Wipe off with moist cotton wool. Once daily, mix one teaspoon honey with egg white and apply on the skin, washing off with plain water after 20 minutes.

SHAHNAZ HUSSAIN tip for Blackheads:
the daily use of a facial scrub will help. You can either buy a facial scrub, or you can mix rice powder with curd or rose water and use as a facial scrub. Apply on the face and rub gently on the skin using small circular movements. Concentrate on the blackhead prone areas. Leave on for five minutes and then wash off with water. Once daily, mix honey and lemon juice in equal quantities with egg white and apply on the face, washing it off after 20 minutes.

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