-Anabella Ravinelli
Notecard Attachment:
When I joined Fashion Institute a year ago I was so excited to be part of such a unique opportunity. Over the past year, along with my wonderful friends and staff, I have enjoyed the experience of a lifetime starting as a model and slowly working up to eventually become owner of Fashion Institute. With the excitement and enjoyment unfortunately came hardship…but that is part of life. When I purchased FI/SSMA/FP two months ago from Colby, I had full expectations of being able to resurrect it from its poor reputation and make it go where I knew it could go. Unfortunately, attempting this has taken its toll on my RL health and well being. And I have made the incredibly difficult decision to just close the doors.
I have made so many wonderful friends and met so many amazing people in my time here at FI. But, its taken away from what I truly love to do and that is to model and to teach, and to explore my creative side. I was able to do all these things to a certain extent, but its become increasingly apparent that I cannot afford to run such a huge operation as FI is. Colby was lucky enough to have financial backing in RL and he used that a lot to keep the businesses going. I am not that fortunate and have finally had to admit to myself that I cannot run such a large business on a dwindling income. The ridiculous accusations and drama of the past are still haunting FI and its affecting business, and I can’t do what I love because of this.
For so many reasons, I have decided to shut down Fashion Institute and the Fashion Palace. Talks are in the works of keeping SSMA open but I will be selling it to someone else. Details will follow soon on this. I will no longer be owning or operating any of the businesses associated with the Fashion Institute/Fashion Palace.
So where will I be going? I’m going to get back to modeling and teaching. Going to take a break for a while from running a business. And if I do ever open my own agency or school again, it will be on a much smaller scale than what FI has been. What an amazing opportunity I have had, and I’m so very sad to have to do this. But…its time. I have to finally admit to myself that its just not working, no matter how much I love it and want it to succeed.
How does this affect everyone here? Mainly the students will wonder…well I have all these vouchers I have purchased! Let me explain how you can still get your education you paid for.
I obviously do not have the money to pay vouchers back, since many especially were purchased before I even took over the company. So…I’m going to continue to offer the classes I was teaching at FI in my own private setting, until those vouchers are used up. During that time I may decide to continue teaching on my own, or maybe not…time will tell. But for those who have unused FI vouchers here is what you can do to be sure you still get classes you planned to take. I do want to be sure everyone is taken care of and happy as possible.
ALL outstanding vouchers MUST be redeemed by no later than November 1st, 2010 midnight SLT. This includes scholarship students. Any vouchers presented past that date will not be redeemed. That gives everyone plenty of time, more than two weeks, to take care of this. To redeem them please do the following:
1. Create a folder and title it FI Voucher Exchange
2. Place all outstanding FI vouchers that you have into this folder.
3. Send the folder to Anabella Ravinelli by no later than November 1st, 2010, midnight SLT.
What will you receive? You will be given new vouchers to be used at any independent class I teach, on my own (Not at another agency), in the future. There will be no expiration date on the exchanged vouchers. These vouchers can be used beyond November 1st, you just must have them exchanged by then.
You will also have the option to request certain classes. If there were specific classes you planned to take at FI, in any of the three schools, you will have the opportunity to request those so I know what I need to set up for you to take. After you exchange your vouchers further info will be provided on how you can do this.
All classes currently on the schedule will be offered until Saturday, October 16th. Any instructors who wish to continue to offer their classes until vouchers are used up, please contact me for full details on how you can do this. Your classes that you have taught yourself here at Fashion Institute, that were created by YOU are your property, and you may continue to teach them on your own elsewhere.
Thank you to everyone who made this last year at FI a wonderful experience for me. I”m not going to start naming names because there are so many people it would take me all night. You all know who you are. And that includes every single student ever to step foot in FI. I am so very sorry that FI is closing its doors, but its time for me to take care of my RL health and to focus on what I can do in SL successfully. I love you all and wish you all the best and REALLY hope to see many of you in my classes.
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