Is it the way she wears her hair? The stylish clothes she wears? Perhaps! But if you go beyond the immediate surface of a beautiful person and look a little deeper, you might see the fine details that enhance the physical beauty of any individual.
Since the voluptuous lips of Angelina Jolie appeared on screen, many other celebrities like Scarlett Johansson have been accredited for their natural pouts; men want to kiss them and women want to have them. But whether you have a full set of smackers or a sweet and small pair of kissers, there are a few ‘bad attention’ getters if you don’t pay attention to minor details.
Any pucker is far less pretty chapped and with hair on the upper lip. If you have the nasty habit of licking your lips, you probably experience a dry chapped mouth fairly often; to avoid this unappealing flakey look use an over the counter lip scrub to remove any dead skin from your mouth and then apply a natural product such as ‘Burt’s Bees’ lip balm to soften the look and the feel. You’ll be smooch-able in 60 seconds flat.
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