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Thursday, 30 June 2011

French Fashion Style

France is the greatest fashion hub of the world. The French are considered to be the most fashionable people in this world. After all their fashion statement is looked at with great esteem, especially in the world of elite. The France fashion Industry has virtually monopolized fashion for women. Theydeserveit is going to explain why. French Fashion Stylehas remained the trend-setter in the world. So the words 'fashion' and 'France' have almost become synonymous.
Paris is not only the capital of France, but it is virtually the fashion capital of the world. The city is the measuring scale for the vogue running worldwide. Paris is controlling the key to fashion world since the 16 th century. The city is also privileged with a large fabric industry which provides a strong base to this fashion industry. In the 40s, 50s and 60s of this century, a number of leaders emerged in the fashion-front and vied with each other to rule the fashion world. Starting with Dior, Balmain, Fath and Givenchy, Pierre Cardin, Guy Laroche to the most recent designer Yves Saint Laurent and Andre Courreges, all have made the world of Fashion rich with their contributions. The fashion of the 60s was predominantly dominated by Pierre Cardin and Yves Saint Laurent. There style was mainly based on the classic style. In fact the 60s virtually put an end to the elaborate retro style and ushered in a light, street fashion. The experimental touch in fashion came into vogue. An air of change started invading the French Fashion Style.
In the hands of the designers like, Pierre Cardin and Courreges, space age designs flourished. Silver and black & white were mixed and matched to give a blend of ethnic look and present day fashion. Stripes and pop art are the signature marks of the French couture. The French designers mostly extract their inspiration from the expressionistic paintings and from nature.
The less-wearable chiffon tops and the white and silver flowing skirts in geometric shapes are the most in-thing in the fashion world of France. The fashion of France has by and large been inspired by the Egyptians. The sequined bands tied by transparent silk are the typical characteristics of today's French fashion.
Thedeserveit is your guide to the world of French Fashion.

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